of Education (DOH)

Headquarters Relocation & Consolidation,
Program of Requirements (POR)
Washington, DC | 950,000 SF

Under the government's executive orders to consolidate office leases, the General Service Administration (GSA) and Department of Education (DOED) engaged IA to create a program of requirements (POR) to relocate and consolidate three leased locations into the Lyndon B Johnson Building (LBJ) and a new leased location. Their existing 2,545 full-time and contract employees currently occupy the three DC-area locations with an overall utilization rate of 245 USF/person. 

The IA team's information gathering process included:

  • Employee surveys on individual work styles, mobile work, communication patterns, and current space performance.
  • Workplace walk-throughs at the leased locations to document departmental work styles and adjacencies.
  • Leadership interviews and staff focus groups to understand different perspectives and requirements.
  • Space situation assessment at LBJ, highlighting space inefficiencies and opportunities for consolidation/space standardization, as well as workspace standards, patterns, and technology.
  • Assessment of existing LBJ mechanical and telecom building systems, including a historic preservation report.

The data collected was then synthesized, correlated, and reported in a dashboard for each of the 20 departments, including adjacency plans. With special consideration on mobility, interaction, and work types, the most relevant findings from the data gathering and program of requirements—later used in the gap analysis—featured work patterns, telworking/desk sharing, collaboration and focus spaces, technology, and ways to meet LEED guidelines. The feasibility study then defined three utilization options for reconfiguring LBJ and identifying the quantity of space needed for DOED's remaining leased space.

IA also developed a migration plan for DOED, including the consolidation of their three leases into the Potomac Center Plaza (PCP) as a temporary consolidation until LBJ renovations are complete, while using LBJ floors as swing spaces.

Lastly, a planning scenario was developed for the consolidation targeting UR rates of the 99 office/180 all-in. The expectation is the long-term consolidation will bring 500 DOED employees back to LBJ, resulting in an overall department usable footprint reduction in 151,322 square feet. Four organizations are candidates to remain outside of the LBJ, due to adjacency, workflow, and operational needs. The total department space requirement is 520,619 USF: the LBJ facility will house 404,731 USF (2,144 employees) and the remaining 131,609 USF (727 employees) will be housed in a new lease spaced, supported by amenities, desk sharing, and integrated technology.

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