Democratizing Intelligence

By AIRIA, IA's Artificial Intelligence Research Team

Artificial intelligence is not just a technological advancement; it is a powerful tool that can eventually transform how we live and work. At IA, we are responsibly embracing its potential. While authentic creativity and our deep human connection with clients and partners remain at the core of our work, AI can elevate our design and project processes. Most importantly, it can democratize intelligence and creativity, breaking down barriers that have long stood in the way of turning good ideas into reality. Despite valid concerns about potential biases or the risk of creating a monotonous social media aesthetic, we believe AI's true power lies in its ability to level the playing field by removing technological, educational, and socioeconomic obstacles.

Established in 2023, AIRIA — an acronym for AI Research at IA, pronounced like 'area' — is a practice group responsible for strategically advancing the firm's adoption of artificial intelligence, while emphasizing the preservation of human curation and expertise. AI is not reserved for a select group of individuals in our firm but is accessible to all. With a foundation of ethical principles, we ensure that these tools align with our values, respect individual rights, and contribute to a more responsible and equitable technology deployment.

Currently, we are leveraging generative AI to develop visioning concepts that help clients realize their spatial narratives and design aesthetics. Our approach goes beyond traditional visual mood boards to encompass multimodal contextual storytelling that engages all the senses. While we continue to explore AI’s creative potential, we also recognize its strength in utilizing data as a source of real-time, persistent intelligence.

Buildings generate valuable information, and AI enables us to transform this data into actionable insights for operators and users. AI can anticipate user needs based on evolving profiles, empower community managers to utilize spatial data and smart scheduling to create tailored experiences, and enhance facilities teams' abilities to monitor and proactively optimize building performance, ensuring comfort and success for all.

IA has developed a case study identifying opportunities for AI integration within the built environment. Our visionary space, NXNW, consists of three zones: Pavilion, Retreat, and Camp, each serving distinct functional roles and accommodating neurodivergent needs. The Pavilion and Retreat cater to opposite ends of the Soothe-Stim Spectrum, while the Camp provides a neutral ground for social bonding and team collaboration. AI technology is seamlessly integrated throughout, offering performance enhancements, maintenance alerts, optimal work setting suggestions, and space utilization tracking. Each data point contributes to achieving peak experiences for users and managers alike.

Click and drag your mouse to look around these 360-degree environments and click on the icons for more information about how AI could one day impact our built environment. If you have a compatible VR headset, you can click the VR icon on the viewer to switch to headset mode for a more immersive experience.

The opportunities are truly limitless.


