The Design
A greater than usual variety of space types and surfaces are tailored specifically to game development and intense collaboration. Secluded focus rooms, stand-alone high-top tables positioned in hallways, and upholstered chairs with backs designed to be sat on are some of the options. With teams constantly working on multiple projects at the same time, a seamless and immediate flexibility is key for personal spaces as well as breakout spaces and conference rooms
Everyone has a spacious individual workspace to make their own. Fully sit/stand, programmable desks, as well as monitor arms, furniture, storage, and task seating can be moved around to suit the individual. Staff can customize their environment using self-produced content; graphics generated by highly competitive development teams have a place to be displayed.
A two-story interior feature stair, a digital “pixel” wall, a moss covered column as well as moss covered walls in collaboration and quite zones, and an oval fish tank that weighs 5500 lbs. are among design elements that speak to brand. Training rooms, a mother’s room, a museum focused on the building’s and Seattle’s history, a device test lab, and a Faraday Cage—an electronic isolation chamber that prevents electrical signals or waves from passing through the walls so that new games can be securely tested—are all part of the design.
Texture: Captivating the Senses
The variety of sensory elements inherent in the new design provide delight and interest at every turn. From verdant moss to warm woods, cool metals and concrete, lush colors, upholstery, and fabrics, along with the ever changing moods of Puget Sound, a plethora of impressions—tactile, visual, and auditory—are a daily given and pleasure.
Repurposed Metal Fire Doors
Charred Reclaimed Wood
Wall Tile
Area Rug
Reclaimed Douglas FIr
The Top Floor
The entire top floor is focused on building culture, brand, and community. Arcade games offer decompression and opportunity for comradery. A gym provides cardio and weight training, as well as spinning and yoga classes. Overlooking Puget Sound, a spacious comfortably furnished outdoor deck, with a grill and a fire pit, is ideal for internal and industry-focused events or as a place to hang out with colleagues.