The humble slat—a narrow flat strip of wood or metal according to Merriam-Webster—hardly seems the stuff of stunning design, but in the hands of a skilled designer its potential blossoms.
At the ceiling and wall, slats echo one another, define space, and create ambiance.
At the same location, slats used in different ways on the walls and at the ceiling create an intriguing and sophisticated effect.
Here slats add interest and some privacy, but allow light to penetrate.
A pattern of slats at the ceiling add the warmth of natural wood to a casual communal venue.
Vertical slats create a space within a space.
Raw wood slates at the wall and ceiling complement the reception desk design.
An interactive wall of slats sends a message.
Parallel at the ceiling, slats emphasize a clean, minimalistic design.
Both opaque and open, at the stair wall slats offer a glimpse of the next floor.
Slats create an immersive experience.
IA is a global firm of architects, designers, strategists, and specialists. We focus exclusively on environments through the lens of interior architecture—a radical idea in 1984, when IA was founded. We are highly connected agents of change, committed to creativity, innovation, growth, and community.
IA is a global firm of architects, designers, strategists, and specialists. We focus exclusively on environments through the lens of interior architecture—a radical idea in 1984, when IA was founded. We are highly connected agents of change, committed to creativity, innovation, growth, and community.